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Report Missing Person

This section is dedicated to the reporting of missing persons and abductees and is part of the AI-driven SWAMP initiative, standing for “Sudan War Abductees & Missing Person.” The primary goal of AI-driven SWAMP is to create a unified platform that centralizes data on individuals who have gone missing as a result of the ongoing conflict in Sudan.

AI-Driven SWAMP Section:

This section is dedicated to the reporting of missing persons and abductees and is part of the AI-driven SWAMP initiative, standing for “Sudan War Abductees & Missing Person.” The primary goal of AI-driven SWAMP is to create a unified platform that centralizes data on individuals who have gone missing as a result of the ongoing conflict in Sudan. Since the commencement of the civil war in Darfur in 2003, thousands of civilians and public servants have been reported missing, with little to no assistance provided to the community. AI-driven SWAMP has been established to play a pivotal role in pioneering the first-ever platform designed to collect and store information about missing persons and abductees. The ultimate objective is to aid in the recovery and reunification of families and community members, thereby inspiring a broader movement of volunteerism and civil engagement. Our mission extends to advocating for the safe release of abductees and missing individuals, addressing these critical humanitarian concerns.

The SWAMP program offers personalized assistance to investigators and families searching for their missing loved ones and abductees. It is designed to complement the creation of Long-term Case Files. Each case is meticulously maintained by Volunteer Program Specialists (VPS) who work alongside submitting families, individuals, and agencies to ensure that case details are complete, accurate, and relevant. This rigorous process ensures that the SWAMP database functions optimally, generating robust leads for investigations.

It’s important to note that for every case entered by a professional user, a SWAMP (VPS) must contact the submitting party to complete the record and obtain permission to publish the case. Only once a case contains complete and accurate information in all required fields can it be verified and made available to the public to a limited extent. Without the provision of complete information in all the necessary fields, a case cannot be published and remains inaccessible to all other users. Therefore, we recommend that users insert case information only when all fields are complete to swiftly move the case forward for publication.

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