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Register as USA evacuees

Sudna is a nonprofit organization established in response to the current war in Sudan, which has displaced 6.6 million people, including 20 thousand Sudanese-Americans. Unfortunately, thousands of our American citizens are trapped in the war zone without any assistance. Our mission is to provide direct aid to the victims both on the ground and around the world. We play a vital role in reconnecting families and communities torn apart by the ravages of war.

Sudna is established in the United States to answer the urgent call for help from our community across the US and around the globe. We aim to unite behind the noble cause of identifying these citizens, rescuing them, and providing immediate assistance on the ground to alleviate their suffering. We also seek to facilitate the reconnection of families through a unified platform, as the war has disrupted these vital connections. Furthermore, we are strong advocates for the safe return and protection of our community members in the US and those on the ground in Sudan.

Sudna’s role is to unify the Sudanese community in the US by creating a national network of community organizations that coordinate humanitarian efforts throughout the United States. Together, we stand for peace, justice, and freedom. We mobilize our community’s resources to assist evacuees and returnees to the US and those still in Sudan.

The United States has already evacuated 20,000 individuals, but there are many Americans who are still stranded in the conflict zone. Many of them arrived with just the clothes on their backs, seeking to start anew in the US. The financial and property losses of the Sudanese-American community due to the war are estimated at $4.6 billion. This necessitates significant attention and support to aid in the recovery of these losses. We are committed to addressing this issue by assessing the damages and offering financial support to our community in the US. We also work closely with federal, state, and local governments to facilitate the necessary processes to provide assistance to our Sudanese citizens in the US.

Sudna collaborates with specialized law firms that handle injuries and property damage cases. We offer free legal consultations to our US/Sudanese citizens and Sudanese residents in the US. We are dedicated to reaching out to our Sudanese-American community members to assess their legal assistance needs. Additionally, we are coordinating with local health institutions in the US to provide psychological and emotional support to our community members. We are also organizing our community to file a lawsuit on behalf of our community in the United States.

Our data indicates that there are still Sudanese-Americans stuck in the conflict zone in Sudan who require direct assistance. Unfortunately, many of those who are unable to leave or are being evacuated are underage and minors in Sudan. Due to the closure of the U.S. embassy and the suspension of consular affairs, these families have been left stranded in Sudan. We are committed to coordinating the largest humanitarian effort for our Sudanese-Americans, providing direct assistance on the ground, and aiding in evacuation measures through dedicated volunteers to ensure the safety and well-being of our citizens. We are unwavering in our commitment to leave no one behind; this is the promise of our nation, and we are dedicated to keeping that promise.

Encouragement to Register:

We strongly encourage all evacuees to register on the Sudna website to receive the assistance and support you need. Your well-being and safety are of utmost importance to us, and by registering, you allow us to provide you with the necessary aid during this challenging time.

Privacy Assurance:

We want to assure you that your personal information is treated with the utmost care and in compliance with US laws protecting your privacy. Your data will be handled securely, and it will not be shared without your consent. We are committed to safeguarding your information and respecting your privacy rights.

Your trust is essential to us, and we are dedicated to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal details. Sudna operates within the framework of privacy laws and regulations that ensure the protection of your data.

Your registration is a vital step in connecting you with the support and assistance you need. Rest assured that we are here to stand with you, and your privacy and security are paramount in our mission to help and protect our community. Register today and let us work together to overcome these challenges.

Register as USA evacuees