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Become a Volunteer

Join our mission. Became a volunteer of Sudan’s hope amidst conflict. Our Missing Person Volunteers network invites you to make a real impact.

Our mission is clear: locate missing persons, advocate for abductees, and support the affected. As a volunteer, you’ll be the change. Join a caring community, receive comprehensive training, and use innovative tech to alleviate suffering. Sudan’s youth possess immense potential.

Take the first step. Join the Missing Person Volunteers network. Together, we create a brighter Sudan.”

Missing Person Volunteers Section (MVP):

  • Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of those affected by the ongoing conflict in Sudan? Do you believe in the power of community, compassion, and collaboration? If so, we invite you to be a part of our mission.
  • The Missing Person Volunteers section is not just a platform; it’s a call to action. In the face of adversity, it’s an opportunity for individuals in Sudan, especially our vibrant and dedicated youth, to join hands and make an impact. It’s an invitation to become the driving force behind positive change.
  • Sudan is a nation that has seen its share of challenges, but it’s also a place of resilience, unity, and unwavering spirit. It’s in this spirit that we are building a network of volunteers who are ready to take up the mantle of hope and humanity.
  • Our mission is clear: to locate and reunite missing persons with their families, advocate for the safe return of abductees, and offer support to those affected by the conflict. By joining this network, you become a beacon of light in the lives of individuals who have endured hardship and loss.
  • As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to make a real difference. You will be part of a community that cares, a network that shares, and a team that takes action. We provide comprehensive training for our volunteers, equipping you with the necessary skills to assist in the mission effectively.
  • Our approach is built on the alleviation of suffering through networking and the innovative use of technology. We are dedicated to creating the largest database in the history of Sudan, harnessing the power of data and AI technologies to make a significant impact.
  • We believe that the youth of Sudan possess immense potential and energy. Your involvement can help transform the lives of those who need it most. Join us in this vital mission, and together, we can create a brighter future for Sudan.
  • Take that first step towards positive change and join the Missing Person Volunteers network. Together, we can make a real impact.

Become a Volunteer